Certified Instructor of the National Adult Accreditation Centre as Continuous Education Instructor (E.K.E.P.I.S.) of the Ministry of Employment and Social Protection (Art Department)
Certified Instructor of the Institute of Adult Continuous Education (I.D.E.K.E.) of the Ministry of Education, Lifelong Learning and Religious Affairs (Department of Fine Arts)
Εκπρόσωπός του Επιμελητηρίου Εικαστικών Τεχνών Ελλάδος στην επιτροπή Κρίσης Εικαστικών Έργων της Νομαρχι. Αυτοδιοίκησης Καστοριάς (2009)
Representative of the Chamber of Fine Arts as a Critic of Art Projects for the Prefecture of Kastoria (2009)
Teaching Experience
1980 - 1982 and 1984-1988 Cultural Association of Kastoria «Athanasios Christopoulos», as a Painting Instructor
1984 - 1992 N.E.L.E. Kastoria as a Painting Instructor
1991 - 1994 Establishment and Operation of Free Studies of the Art of Painting in Kastoria
2002 - 2005 Cultural Association of Pentavrysos of Kastoria «Pontos» as a Painting Instructor
2005 - 2008 Adult Education Centre (K.E.E.) of Kastoria Instructor of «Visual Arts» program for 15 Classes
Currently Operating a Gallery & Creative Workshop School of Painting - Hagiography - Sculpture (departments of children, adults and candidates of the Higher School of Fine Arts) in Kastoria since 2008
Professional Activities
1987 To Date Gallery and Creative Workshop in the City of Kastoria
Interior - Exterior Decorating Services
Creation and Maintenance of Television Studio Sets of Diktyo 1 TV & Flash TV, Kastoria, West Channel & Flash TV, Kozani
Octomber 1982 Hall of the Cultural Association «Harmony», Kastoria
June 1987 Lecturing Room of Kastoria Prefecture
July 1989 Hall of Vathy, Samos
Octomber 1991 IRIS Gallery, Kastoria
April 1994 Chamber of City Hall of Didimotycho, Evros
June 1994 Camber of City Hall of Oresiada, Evros
September 2008 Opening of Permanent Exhibition in our proprietary Creative Workshop in Kastoria (Parnassou 7 & Kapodistriou)
July 2005 Outdoor Exhibition at the core of the mansions in Doltso, Kastoria with the Title «Kastorian Painters» in «Christopoulia 2005»
July 2006 Outdoor Exhibition at Panagia's Koumbelidiki's Church's Square at «Christopoulia 2006», Kastoria
21/12/2009 - 24/01/2010 National exposure of members E.E.T.E. in Technopolis of the Municipality of Athens in Gazi with the Title «Human Form in Art»
4/11 - 19/11/2010 Exhibition of S.K.E.T.V.D.E. Members at Camp Kodra in Thessaloniki, Kalamaria with the Title «Co-Actions»
24/11 - 26/11/2010 ART-EVENT Art Gallery of the Hellenic-French Association, Athens
25 Hours Seminar Training as an instructor of Adult Education Centres in Thessaloniki
300 Hours Seminar Training as a Continuous Education Instructor at E.K.E.P.I.S., Athens
500 Hours Seminar Training in Conservation of Byzantine monuments and icons O.A.E.D. Kastoria
100 Hours Remote Seminar Training as an Instructor, Centre of Adult Education (K.E.E.E.NA.P.). Institue of Continuous Adult Education (I.D.E.K.E.)
Member of
Kastorian Chamber of Commerce
Chamber of Fine Arts in Painting Department
The Macedonian Center for Contemporary Art, Architecture and Industrial Design
The Association of Fine Arts of Northern Greece (SKETBE)